- Marshfield R-I School District
- Central Office
- Legal Notices
Non-Discrimination Notice
The District is committed to providing equal opportunity in all areas of admission, recruiting, hiring, employment, retention, promotion, contracted services, and access to programs, services, activities, and facilities. The District strictly prohibits any unlawful discrimination or harassment against any person because of race, color, religion, disability, age, sex, gender, national origin, or any other characteristic protected by law. The District also prohibits retaliatory action, harassment, or discrimination against individuals who make complaints of, report, or otherwise participate in the investigation of any such unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. The District is an equal opportunity employer.
Anyone who believes that they have been discriminated, harassed, and/or retaliated against in violation of this policy should report the alleged discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation to the District’s Compliance Officer, unless the Compliance Officer is unavailable or the subject of the report. In that case, the report should be made directly to the alternative Compliance Officer. The District designates the following individual to act as the District’s Compliance Officer:
Title: Assistant Superintendent of Operations
In the event the Compliance Officer is unavailable or is the subject of a report that would otherwise be made to the Compliance Officer, reports should instead be directed to the alternative Compliance Officer:
Title: Superintendent
All employees, students, and visitors who have witnessed any incident or behavior that could constitute discrimination, harassment, or retaliation under this policy must immediately report such incident or behavior to the District’s Compliance Officer for investigation.
All complaints of violation of this policy will be promptly investigated by the District, and appropriate action will be taken.
Public Notice
The Superintendent or designee will publicize this policy and will disseminate information about this policy to employees, parents/guardians, and students, as well as to newly-enrolled students and newly-hired employees.
Adoption Date(s): May 18, 2020
District Information and Records
Generally, the District will ensure the public has access to the meetings, records and votes of the Board. In certain situations, and as permitted by law, these meetings, records and votes will be closed to the public.
The District’s custodian of records is responsible for responding to requests for District records. Requests for records will be directed to the custodian, whose identity will be made available on request. The Board appoints the following person as custodian of records:
Title: Board Secretary
Address: 170 State Highway DD, Marshfield MO 65706
Phone #: (417) 859-2120
Email Address: Marshfieldr1@mjays.us
In addition, the Superintendent will designate an alternate records custodian to serve in the absence of the records custodian.
Adoption Date(s): May 18, 2020
Community Engagement and Communications
The District will develop systems and processes using a variety of communication channels to effectively communicate with the public and key stakeholder groups. District communications will come primarily from the District’s spokesperson. If employees or Board members do provide communications during their contact with parents or patrons, such individuals will follow all confidentiality and other restrictions imposed by law or District rules, and ensure all communications are accurate.
Superintendent as Spokesperson
The Superintendent will serve as official spokesperson for the District unless otherwise directed by the Board. All employees and Board members will direct requests for statements about District business from the public or members of the media to the Superintendent or designee. Board members should direct requests for statements about District business to the Superintendent or designee. If a Board member chooses to make a statement about District business, the Board member will emphasize that he or she may only speak as an individual Board member, not on behalf of the Board or the District.
Communications Plan
The Superintendent or designee will develop a District communications plan that, at a minimum, establishes:
- District channels of communications.
- Methods of sharing information with the public.
- Methods of sharing information with internal District stakeholders.
- A plan for District communications during emergencies.
- Information to be provided to parents/guardians and members of the public as required by law.
Community Engagement
District patrons should be encouraged to provide ideas, concerns and comments about District programs. The Superintendent will create opportunities for engaging patrons including through written submissions, participation on committees and stakeholder focus groups, and survey responses.
Adoption Date(s): May 18, 2020