Academic Services

  • The Marshfield R-I School District believes in a collaborative process where teachers meet together regularly to monitor student growth, intervene on behalf of their students, and work collaboratively to help achieve the district mission statement. As such, the Academic Services department holds these Anchors of Collaboration as the focal point of our collaborative journey.

    Anchors of Collaboration

Academic Services Staff

Phone: 417-859-2120 Ext. 9000


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. - Elementary Education, Missouri State University M.S. - Educational Administration, Southwest Baptist University Ed D. - Educational Leadership, Southwest Baptist University

Dr. Garrett Lowder

Assistant Superintendent of Academic Services

Additional Focus Areas:
Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Learning and Instructional Technology

Phone: 417-859-2193 ext.1207


Degrees and Certifications:

Stacy Robinson

Secondary Instructional Coach/District Testing and Assessment Coordinator

Phone: 417-859-2120 Ext. 4033


Degrees and Certifications:

Jessica Karnaghon

Hubble Elementary Instructional Coach

Phone: 417-859-2120 Ext. 5700


Degrees and Certifications:

Jenessa McCulloch

Shook Elementary Instructional Coach

Phone: 417-859-2120 Ext. 9007


Degrees and Certifications:

Degrees and Certifications: B.S. - Biology, Missouri State University M.S. - Special Education, Missouri State University Ed.S. - Educational Leadership, Arkansas State University

Sherry Davis

Director of Special Services

Federal Programs Assistant

Phone: 417-859-2120 Ext. 5100


Degrees and Certifications:

Brittany Flowers

Webster Elementary Instructional Coach

Phone: 417-859-2120 Ext. 1207


Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Kyanne Weaver

Secondary Education Instructional Coach/District Mentor Coordinator

Phone: 417-859-2120 Ext. 3004


Degrees and Certifications:

Tara McBride

CIM Trainer K-5