- Marshfield R-I School District
- Academic Services: Goals and Resources
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Academic Services
Marshfield R-I School District
Lead ~ Learn ~ Inspire ~ Serve
Preparing each student for a successful future.
MR1 Pillars of Academic Success
High Quality Instructional Leadership in Every Building
High Quality Teaching in Every Classroom
Collaborative Culture focused on Student Learning/Data within Every Team
DISTRICT Ongoing Actions
- Administrators and instructional coaches trained in the Cognitive Coaching model.
- Semi-annual feedback and coaching labs for all administrators and instructional coaches.
- 2:10 time management goal for all administrators and instructional coaches.
Blue Jay Academy (Induction Program)
Blue Jay Academy (Induction Program)
- Anchor classroom development for literacy model and high quality teaching indicators.
- Evaluation processes focused on high quality teaching indicators.
- Rolling 3-Year Literacy Plan
- ESAIL walkthrough processes.
- Restructuring of time/calendar
- Collaborative teaming expected
- SIG goals in PGPs
- Curriculum cycle implementation
- Scope and sequence usage and revision
- Common assessment data usage
- Marshfield R-1 Assessment Plan annual implementation
2024-2025 Academic Success Goals
By the conclusion of the 2024-2025 school year, instructional coaches, building and district administrators will refine instructional feedback processes:
- Participate in feedback and coaching walkthroughs on high-quality teaching indicators.
- Participate in four (4) training days focused on delivering effective feedback via the Cognitive Coaching process.
- Engage in the district’s 2:10 goal (2 hours per day/10 hours per week in classrooms).
By the conclusion of the 2024-2025 school year, instructional coaches, in collaboration with building and district leadership, will support the development of anchor classrooms for implementation of high quality instructional practices utilizing the district’s high quality teacher indicators and/or district literacy framework.
- Secondary classrooms will begin developing anchor classrooms with the district's high quality teacher indicators.
- Guided Reading within the Reader’s Workshop model will be refined in all K-5 classrooms including the incorporation of learning from LETRS training.
- District reading interventionists will engage in walkthrough processes to refine implementation of the Comprehensive Intervention Model (CIM) and other interventions.
By the conclusion of the 2024-2025 school Year, grade level and content area teams will advance our PLC by refining collaborative processes utilizing common assessments, and scope and sequences within collaborative teams.
- A common assessment team audit process will be utilized for reviewing and refining CFAs and CSAs.
- Individual and group Interventions based on common assessment data will be employed in K-12 teams.
- District-wide science and health/PE teams will develop common assessments and revise scope and sequences for the 2024-2025 curriculum cycle.
- K-8 will participate in 4 science-focused PD dates as part of a 2 year process.
- K-12 Pathfinder Teams will launch year one pilot to explore a teacher-driven, inquiry-based PD model.