- Marshfield R-I School District
- Inclement Weather Protocol
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Inclement Weather Protocol
At Marshfield R-I, student safety is our top priority. We also recognize the importance of maximizing instructional time, and snow days can disrupt valuable classroom learning. Therefore, the decision to cancel classes due to inclement weather is never taken lightly. Missouri’s unpredictable weather often makes these decisions challenging, requiring careful consideration and reliance on forecasts. Below is an overview of our Inclement Weather Protocols.Who makes the decision?
The Superintendent, Assistant Superintendents, Transportation Director, and other transportation team members evaluate road conditions, including side roads, to determine the safety of transportation during inclement weather. This generally occurs before 5:00 a.m. but may take place between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. the night before if necessary.How is the decision made?
The transportation and safety team shares feedback, and based on this input and current/forecasted weather conditions, the Superintendent makes the final decision regarding school cancellations. If possible, this decision is made by 9:00 p.m. the night before; otherwise, it is made by 5:30 a.m. the following morning.When and how is the decision communicated?
If the decision is made by 9:00 p.m. the night before, it is communicated immediately. If not, the decision is shared by 5:30 a.m. the following morning. Notifications are sent via Facebook, phone calls, text messages, emails, and local news media outlets.In cases where weather conditions deteriorate during the school day, a similar protocol is followed, with heavier reliance on National Weather Service forecasts.
If school is canceled or dismissed early, this information is communicated through the district's mobile app, social media, phone calls, texts, and Springfield television/radio stations that subscribe to the school’s closure notification system. Please do not rely solely on one method of communication, as extreme weather may disrupt certain channels.
How do I make sure I receive notifications?
If you’re already receiving notifications from the district, you will also receive weather cancellation alerts. Parents who have completed online registration will be notified via telephone messages. Text messages will also be sent to those who have opted in.To update contact information, parents can log into the Parent Portal. Again, please do not rely on one notification method, as weather conditions can disrupt internet or phone service.
What happens to afternoon JayCare when school is dismissed early?
If school is dismissed early due to inclement weather, afternoon JayCare will be canceled. Please ensure that alternate transportation plans are arranged ahead of time. Update your transportation arrangements by contacting the Central Office at (417) 859-2120 Ext. 0.Are all extracurricular activities canceled when school is canceled?
When school is not in session, before and after-school child care programs are canceled. However, some athletic events or student activities may continue depending on changing weather conditions, travel distance, departure times, and location. Activity and athletic cancelations are posted on the Marshfield Bluejays Activities Facebook and Twitter accounts.Is school canceled for extremely cold temperatures?
There is no specific temperature at which school is automatically canceled. Administrators consider several factors, including temperature, before making a decision. Student safety is always the priority.Inclement weather precautions:
- Parents should ensure their children, especially those walking to school or riding the bus, are dressed appropriately with gloves, coats, hats, and scarves.
- Bus drivers will allow extra time for students to board buses at designated stops, allowing them to stay indoors until the bus arrives during extremely cold weather.
How can parents prepare for school cancellations and early dismissals?
- Update contact information with your child’s school whenever phone numbers or addresses change.
- Inform the school of the plan your child should follow if school is dismissed early (e.g., whether the child is to go home or to another location).
- Notify the school of changes in transportation routines as early as possible to allow for safe and accurate arrangements.
Transportation reminders:
- All permanent bus transportation changes must be communicated through the Central Office at (417) 859-2120 Ext. 0.
- Do not provide transportation change information to classroom teachers or the building office.
- Students are allowed only three permanent bus changes per school year.
- Allow two school days for new changes to take effect (e.g., changes made on Thursday will take effect on Monday).
- Students may be registered for only two transportation addresses at any given time.
- Students may only travel to permanent addresses. No after-school notes will be accepted for addresses not previously listed.
- If a student needs to travel to an occasional, previously listed address, send a note with the student or call the building office.
Will my child be marked absent if I keep them home due to bad weather?
If you feel it is unsafe for your child to attend school in person, that decision is entirely yours and will be respected. However, all absences will be recorded. Whether an absence is excused or unexcused will be determined by the building principal.Missouri weather can be unpredictable, but planning ahead can help parents and students manage these uncertainties. Taking a few moments to create a plan for early dismissals or cancellations—especially on short notice—ensures that families are well-prepared for the occasional snow day!