- Marshfield R-I School District
- Back to School - A Healthy Start
Back to School - A Healthy Start
Important Health Notification
Parents are encouraged to notify the school nurse before the school year begins if their child has asthma, diabetes, seizures, or other health concerns. This advance notice allows time to create a personalized healthcare plan, including any necessary physician’s orders.Prioritize Your Family's Health
To keep your family healthy, focus on the following essentials:- Adequate Sleep
- Proper Hydration
- Regular Exercise
- Balanced Nutrition
- Quality Family Time
- Frequent Handwashing
When to Keep Your Child Home from School
Before sending your child to school, parents and guardians should check for the following symptoms daily:
- Fever (100°F or higher)
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Runny nose/congestion
- Nausea/vomiting
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Muscle pain
- Red, itchy eyes
- Earache
If your child exhibits any of these symptoms within the last 24 hours, please keep them home until they are symptom-free without medication. If fever-reducing medication has been administered, students must remain home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without medication.
What Happens if My Child is Sent Home from School?
A student may be sent home for the following reasons:
- Temperature of 100°F or higher
- Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
- Symptoms of a communicable disease (rash, red eyes, swollen glands)
- Excessive drainage from eyes/ears, persistent earache, constant cough, or severe sore throat with swollen lymph nodes
- Acute infectious disease or parasite
- Head lice or nits
If your child is sent home, they must remain home the following day and be symptom-free for 24 hours without medication before returning. For injuries (such as concussions or surgery), a physician’s release and a written request for accommodation is required. Please contact the school nurse with any questions.
Head Lice Absence/Exclusion Policy
Students found with head lice or nits will be sent home. Marshfield R-I Schools expects immediate treatment and prompt return to school, as extended absences for lice are unnecessary.
Upon exclusion for head lice, parents/guardians will be notified to pick up their child and provided with treatment instructions. Students may return after treatment and nit removal, possibly on the same day. Upon return, parents/guardians must accompany the student to school (no bus ride), and the nurse will check the student’s hair. If lice or nits remain, the student will be sent home for further treatment.
Useful Links
Medication Administered at School